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Hair Blog

Sign You’re Ready to Raise your Prices & How To Do It

Jessica Erwin

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

So it’s almost 2022 and you’re still charging the same prices you were charging in 2010. You’re not sure if it’s time to raise your prices, how much to raise them or how to have the conversation with you guests. Here’s what we have to say!

1. You’re in high demand

The number one sign that it's time to raise your prices is based on the basic economic principle we all know; supply & demand. If you’re consistently booked out more than 4 weeks and you’re having a hard time fitting in repeat clients or new client, then it’s time for a price increase.

2. You’ve invested in your career

As hair stylists we are consistently pouring money into our career. From our bigger expenses like continued education or smaller investments like the latest new blow dryer, those expensive new shears or bringing on a new color line or product line, we are always spending to improve. If you’ve invested in your career in the last 12 months, it’s time for a price increase; you deserve a return on your investment.

3. You have or want to improve your Guest Experience

If you’ve made changes or want to make changes in the way you run your business in order to improve your Guest’s Experience and those changes are costing you money, it’s time to raise your prices.

Examples of things you may have improved or want to improve:

  • New Product Line

  • New Color Line

  • New Booking System

  • Moved to a Nicer Location

  • Offering Client Beverages & Snacks

  • Hiring an Assistant or Receptionist

4. Increase in Expenses

It’s no secret that inflation is happening all around us. Both the cost of labor and raw materials is on the rise, causing companies to increase prices on the products we use everyday. If your expenses are increasing but your prices aren’t, then you’re making less today than you did yesterday and that’s just bad business.

5. Cost of Living Adjustment

As a stylist, we don’t get an annual cost of living wage increase like most other careers offer, most stylists don’t get paid vacation, paid maternity leave or benefits. We have to remember that when pricing our services and considering a price increase. Too many stylists work behind the chair and go 10+ years without ever increasing their prices. Would you work as hard as you do at any other job for 10 years without ever being given a raise? No? I didn’t think so! So give yourself a raise, you’ve earned it!

Ok, so you’ve read this blog, you’re fired up and you’re going to raise your prices. Now what? Here’s a few tips for you on what to do next!

  1. Do a little market research, look at your biggest competitors and see what they’re charging. Where are your prices in comparison?

  2. Run your numbers. In order to know how much you should be charging, you first need to be aware of how much you’re spending.

  3. Land on your new price! Make sure you aren’t increasing so much that you’re going to have clients cancelling their appointments, but don’t be afraid to increase enough to change your life for the better next year!

  4. Set a date! When will your new prices go into effect? Make sure you give your clients 30-60 days notice!

  5. Notify your clients! E-mail/Text your clients notifying them of your price increase, let them know you appreciate their continued support. Social Media- Post your new pricing on social media frequently leading up to your effective date! Talk in person: Let your clients know during the consultation that at their next visit, their price will slightly increase.

  6. Last but not least, remember when increasing your prices, the increase applies to ALL clients. Yes, even the ones who have been with you since beauty school! You cannot allow your client to hold you back from your full potential! If you MUST have a special list of clients you want to “discount” , you should NEVER have more than FOUR people, any more than that and you’re really limiting your earning potential.


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