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Goals vs. Dreams - Putting Goals Into Action Is What Achieves Dreams

Writer's picture: Emily EvansEmily Evans

We all have great goals and dreams for a variety of aspects of our life, including work, relationships, and personal growth. In some way, we wish to make our lives better. We make ambitious dreams and goals. But what sets a dream apart from a goal? How do you accomplish goal-setting success and make your dreams come true?

Despite the fact that the terms "dreams" and "goals" are frequently used interchangeably, there are important distinctions between the two. We'll explore those variations in this blog, along with the one tactic that will enable you to turn your aspirations into achievable goals. Imagine how different your life may be in a year if you started working toward your goals today!

The Differences Between Dreams vs. Goals

Your imagination is fueled by dreams, which are internal. Aspirations and hopes are dreams. They have ambitious goals. More specifically, goals are set, and a strategy plan is in place. They are something you are working toward actively. Your road to achieving your goals will be determined by your dreams...

Recognizing A Dream:

Dreams can be sensed through emotions and wants, as well as through ideas and mental images. You could see them happening, write about them, or talk about them, but you don't have a plan of action. You are not making concrete efforts to make them a reality.

Aspirational goals are dreams. They are only aspirations and unrealized hopes. Your dreams may inspire you, thrill you, and open up new avenues for action in the future. Your ambitions are born out of your dreams.

For instance, you could have long-held dreams of starting your own company or relocating to a more exotic place, but you are doing nothing to bring these aspirations to reality. No strategy, realistic goals, or envisioned techniques for achieving them.

Recognizing A Goal:

Goals have a clearer, more focused outcome. They can be touched. To accomplish them, there is a strategy and plan. Whether they are short-term or long-term, they are things you want to do or are actively striving to do.

Goals are precise, quantifiable, and doable. They frequently take the forefront of your thoughts and guide your everyday life decisions in order to turn your goals into reality.

Where You Should Begin

1. Dreams reveal our deepest desires

Dreams may reveal a lot about your true goals in life, as well as what you don't want. You can use dreams as a navigation to achieving your goals. If you frequently daydream about moving into a new house or starting your own business, you might want to consider how you can start to make those dreams a reality.

2. Goals require action to create friction

The greatest method to achieve your goals in life is to get started. The vision is in the dream. However, if nothing is done, they will always be in your imagination. Setting goals will help you achieve your ambitions. Goals contain doable measures that bring about the intended result.

3. Timelines are key factors

Every goal has a deadline. Both short-term and long-term goals are possible. Every goal requires a timeframe in order to be completed. In dreams, "someday" or "one day" frequently appear.

The main takeaways about goals are that…

  • Goals are realistic

  • Goals push you out of your comfort zone

  • Goals are measurable

  • Goals produce results

  • Goals help you move forward

  • Goals open the door for new opportunities

How To Put Goals Into Action To Achieve Your Dreams

People who are successful with goals are aware that it takes time to realize their goals in life. Your dreams become your reality as a result of your hard work, setting clear goals, and going after them consistently on a regular basis. The strategy you'll use to get there is called SMART Goals. With the help of this framework, you can accomplish your goals.

SMART goals stand for:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable/Actionable

  • Relevant/ Realistic

  • Time-Based

Be very specific:

Being as detailed as you can when defining your goals is the first step. Start by focusing on one part of your life that you would like to change. For example, what exactly about your money would you like to improve? More money earned or more money saved? How will you increase your income if you decide to do so? The clearer you get on what you want and how to create the best path to get there as you get more particular.

Make it measurable:

Making a decision about how to assess your goal is the next step. Your goal can be measured in a variety of ways. It could be a rise or fall in quantities like money, time, or distance. Try using a grading system, such as a scale of 0- 10, if the goal is more ambiguous or hard to define.

You can monitor your progress if you have a system in place to measure your goals. The journey and the everyday routines that support you in achieving your goals are very important.

Nobody ever opens a business or completes a marathon in a single day. In particular for goals that take weeks, months, or years to complete, tracking progress also helps you to stay motivated and focused. Pen and paper or an app can be used to keep track of your progress. There are phone apps available that can be used to keep track of a variety of goals.

Goals have to be achievable:

Making a goal achievable is one of the steps to achieving one. While having ambitious goals is usually a good idea, they must also be realistic. You should aim for outcomes you are confident you can achieve. You want to push yourself while also positioning yourself for success. "Do you have the capabilities to achieve your goal?" is a question you should ask yourself. And "How do you plan to accomplish your goal?

Your goals and actions have to be relevant:

You should set goals that are in line with your broader life goals. The motivation for supporting you in achieving them is the life you want for yourself and the people you care about. Finding the "why," or what the goal means to you and why achieving it is crucial, is the essence of a relevant goal.

Make them time-based:

Clear deadlines for when a goal will be achieved must be tied to a time frame. Your goals can be set up with a daily, weekly, monthly, or longer-term goal in mind. Short-term milestones that can help you along the road should be included in long-term goals so you can track your progress and keep on course. This can depend on the goal you have in mind, the steps you decide to take to get there, and how much you feel you can actually commit to.

Final Thoughts

Your imagination is where dreams live. It's not necessary to make any type of New Year's resolution in order to transform your goals into plans that you want to pursue. It's time to go to work today! Setting goals forces you to take action and helps in improving your quality of life. New opportunities in life often come when you take action or put yourself in new and different situations. Start turning your dreams into goals today!


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